
Monday, December 31, 2007


Here we are again, another New Year's Eve. This is definitely not my favorite holiday. It was 9 years ago on New Year's Eve that my husband told me he was leaving. Not that there is ever a good time to hear that news, New Year's Eve is a particularly bad time. You just can't escape all the revelry of the night, even when you don't feel like celebrating!

I will never truly understand the reason God chose for this to happen on this date. But all of these years later, I am starting to see the good that God has done in my life on this date. Tonight I am going to a party that a singles group through my church is sponsoring. I have never been to this group before and, as anyone who knows me can tell you, I don't do well in new situations. I really am scared to go, but I truly feel like God is leading me to this group and to a new start for the new year.

The Scriptures teach that God will use suffering to build character and to purify our faith. I can certainly attest to the fact that I have become a much stronger person and my faith has definitely grown by leaps and bounds because of what I have gone through, and for that I am forever grateful to God!

Let us never question God's actions or His timing. He is always in control!

Lord, I thank You not only for the wonderful gifts You have given me but also for the trials You have put in my life that are making me the person You would want me to be! Help me to always praise You, through good times and bad, because You are always in control!

---Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. Romans 5:3

Sunday, December 30, 2007


When I was a young child, I always wanted a dog. But we moved a lot and my parents wouldn't let us get one. Then, finally we got a house when I was about 11 years old that had a fence plus a dog house already in the back yard!! We were finally able to get a puppy! Missy became part of our family and was with us for over 15 years! She was always there for me - bringing me her toys when I didn't feel well, sleeping with me at night, running and playing with me! I loved her so much! She was supposed to be an outside dog - there was a fence and her own dog house (which we carpeted!) after all! But other than going outside to do her "business" and play, Missy was an inside dog - sleeping on the couch when she thought no one was looking and laying on my parents bed - my dad's pillow in particular! She thought no one knew but we saw the indentations on the pillow after she snuck down from the bed! My dad pretended not to notice, and he loved her as much as I did!

My parents had wanted to wait to get a puppy until we had a fence around our yard that would protect her. God has put up fences to protect us, too. There are things out in this world that will lead us to pain and ruin. God has put up "fences" to protect us from those things, not to be kill-joy. The confines of the Christian lifestyle are all that we need to make us happy, satisfied, and fulfilled. But, what do we do? We break out of our "fences" and get hurt from the dangers that He knew were outside the fence.

God does not give us rules to make us miserable. His commandments are given to us because He loves us and wants the best for us. Be content with the good life God has "fenced" you in with!

"Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness." Hebrews 12:10

Saturday, December 29, 2007


I went to the mall today with my daughter to return a sweater I had given her for Christmas that didn't fit. Now I don't like to shop on a normal day but the crowds were really bad with after Christmas sales! Not my favorite place to be.

But, I have to admit that while we were returning her sweater I was looking around at some clothes. I have not bought myself any clothes in a long, long time. First of all, I really want to lose weight before I buy any clothes and most importantly I haven't had the money.

But I had a few extra dollars in my pocket and I was very, very tempted! But then I realized I had some bills due and even more importantly, I had not given the Lord his share of that money. So I did not buy anything.

But instead of being depressed, I felt good about my decision. I know that the Lord will truly bless that decision! I know that I cannot outgive the Lord!!

God, please forgive me for the times that I wanted to keep what is rightfully yours!!
Help me to be a better steward of your money.

---A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the Lord; it is holy to the Lord." Leviticus 27:30

Thursday, December 27, 2007


My daughter went to visit her roommate's family for a few days over the holidays and on the way home Christmas Eve, she had a flat tire. Luckily we have AAA and she called them but while she was waiting for them to come, people were driving by her so fast she felt like they were going to hit her. She was truly frightened. Then a man stopped, not AAA, just a good samaritan who saw someone in need. He told her he had a 21-year-old daughter (coincidentally the same age as my daughter), and he would want someone to help her if she needed it. AAA finally arrived and helped this man but he had done most of it himself.

I was so grateful to this man for helping my daughter. It also made me think - would I be one of those who went driving by and honking or would I be the person who would help or would I be a "honker"? I would hope that I would be a "helper", not a "honker".

God puts us in situations where we can be helpers, sometimes in situations where someone just needs help with their car, sometimes a shoulder to cry on, encouragement, financial aid, sometimes our time. There a lots of different ways we can be "helpers".

Next time you have the chance to be a "helper", don't pass it up! More often than not, you will get more out of helping someone than they get. And you truly never know what kind of impact you may have on that person. God has put you in that position for a reason - don't turn your back on the opportunity to show God's love!

"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life for a ransom for many." Mark 10:45

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


1. Give God what's right...not what's left!

2. Man's way leads to a hopeless end. God's way leads to endless hope.

3. A lot of kneeling will keep you in good standing.

4. He who kneels before God can stand before anyone.

5. Don't put a question mark where God puts a period.

6. When praying, don't give God instructions - just report for duty.

7. Don't wait for six strong men to take you to church!

8. We don't change God's message. His message changes us!

9. WARNING: Exposure to the SON may prevent burning.

10. Plan wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.

11. Most people want to serve God, but only in an advisory position.

12. Suffering from Tooth Decay? Brush up on your Bible.

13. Exercise daily...walk with the Lord.

14. Nothing else ruins the truth like stretching it.

15. He who angers you controls you.

16. Worry is the darkroom where negatives can develop.

17. Be ye fishers of catch them and He'll clean them.

18. God doesn't call the qualified...He qualifies the called.

19. The church is prayer conditioned.

20. Read the will scare the hell out of you!!

----Shared by Elliott Powell

These are all thought provoking sayings - some are funny, some are serious, all are true statements about God, our relationship with Him, and how He wants us to live.

Lord, let us remember to exercise daily and walk with you, let us remember that You are always there for us and we don't need that darkroom where negatives develop, help us to share Your Word with others and be good fisherman, let us go to you in prayer daily but remember You are in control!

"I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ." Philemon 6

Monday, December 24, 2007


He was born in an obscure village. He worked in a carpentry shop until he was 30. He then became in itinerant preacher. He never held an office. He never had a family or owned a house. He didn't go to college. He had no credentials but Himself. He was only 33 years old when the public turned against Him.

His friends ran away. He was turned over to His enemies and went through the mockery of a trial. He was nailed to a cross between two thieves. While He was dying, His executioners gambled for His clothing, the only property He had on earth. He was laid in a borrowed grave.

Nineteen centuries have come and gone and today He is the figure of the human race All the armies that have ever marched, all the navies that have ever sailed, all the parliaments that ever sat and all the kings that have ever reigned have not affected the life of man on this earth as much as this One Solitary Life.

---Taken from Thoughts of Others written by J. Key Powell

Let us celebrate this One Solitary Life and remember that He is the true meaning of the season!

May you all have a wonderful and blessed holiday!

"She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins." Matthew 1:21

Sunday, December 23, 2007


I was wrapping a few presents for my daughter and started thinking about what gifts were under the tree. I went through my list for her, short as it was this year, but felt like something was missing. I realized there was a gift that I could give her that would cost me absolutely nothing and would probably be the best gift I could give her. That gift was the return of my self-confidence!

I know this may sound strange - especially to those of you who don't know me personally. But over the last 10 years or so, my self-confidence has completely disappeared. I used to be such a strong person - nothing could stop me! I had a great career, great house, great family, great health. Then it all disappeared, starting with the deterioration of my health. I lost my husband, my house, my career, a lot of my friends, my finances. My closest friend has always been there for me no matter how far apart we are and my daughter has stuck by me through everything! They have never left me and I thank God for them everyday!

But through the years, I have become so insecure. I feel insecure about the way I look, useless because I cannot work. I feel bad because I don't actually own a home anymore. The list goes on and on.

But when I started thinking about the gift for my daughter I realized that I do have reasons to be secure. Just because I weigh a little more than I use to - so what!! I am still the person on the inside that I always was! I may not have a full-time job but I do try to volunteer and do things when I can. Though I loved my job, I realize that my career was not what made me who I am. Plus, I am able to be there for my daughter whenever she needs me to do things for her and I love that! I may not own a house but I feel like I have always given my daughter a "home", and that means a lot! I certainly don't have the finances I used to have but God has always provided and there is never a time that He does not meet my needs. And though I may have lost some friends, I have made new friends who love me just the way I am!

My daughter does get so frustrated with me because of my lack of self-esteem. So, for Christmas this year, the greatest gift I can give her is to give her her "old Mom" back - the Mom who loved life, laughed, felt good about herself and her future, who believed in herself. I am going to start living more like God wants me to live. I realize that my lack of self-image and my fears are because I lack the faith to receive the power, love, and self-discipline that God really wants me to have.

Lord, I pray that You will help me with my self-image and my self-confidence. I pray that I will be able to show my daughter that I am the strong person that You created. I pray that I can become the person that I know you want me to be - I know that You are not through with me yet!

"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7

Friday, December 21, 2007


I have been so blessed by so many people in my life - some I know, some I haven't seen for years but love dearly anyway, and some I have never seen before in my life. The last few weeks have truly reminded me of how many "angels" I have watching over me!

I thank you, Lord, for putting these angels in my life. They have brought smiles to my face, laughter to my heart, eased my physical burdens, and taken a load off my financial burdens. And they have all done so without any request from me - just for living and giving the way You would have them do. I truly feel so undeserving of their friendship, their love and their generosity but so, so grateful!

I pray, Lord, that You will show me the ways that I can be an "Angel" to others as they have been to me. I want to be a blessing in others lifes and to show them that You truly live in me and how blessed I am!

"In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.' Acts: 20:35

Thursday, December 20, 2007


My "baby" just let here to go out of town for a few days to visit her roommate's family. My "baby" is 21 years old, not really a baby but she will always be my baby! And I worry about her now as much as I did when she was a little baby, just about different things! I pray for her safety, her wisdom in making choices, her happiness, her health.

We are all God's "babies", no matter how old we are! We are all His children and He worries about us, too. He wants us to be happy, safe, healthy, to make good choices, to live according to His word. And He helps us do all that - all we need to do is ask Him for guidance, for strength, for direction, for courage and to search his Word. He is always there for us, just like we are always there for our children.

"I have no greater joy than to hear my children are walking in the truth." 3 John:4

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


There are days, like today, that I am so frustrated at my lack of ability to do more. I am having a great deal of trouble walking and my vision is poor. I am not feeling sorry for myself, just very frustrated that I can't do more. I want to work and am unable. I am having trouble driving and having to depend on my daughter more. I want to help out a friend who needs me and not able to do much but listen and pray for her. I feel so frustrated!

But then I think about the things that God does allow me to do. I am washing my daughter's clothes for her. I ironed her clothes for her. I am certainly here to listen to my friends who need me and above all, I do pray for them! I know that is the best thing I can do for anyone!

I know that if I was working, I probably would not have started this devotional site. And for me, at least, it has been a true blessing! Just writing it today has lifted my spirits. I know God has a reason for everything and I am trying to follow what He wants me to do. Even in my frustration with my illness and limitations, I thank God for them as I know they have made me a stronger person and made my faith in Him grow even stronger!

I thank you, Lord, for helping me through the hard times and showing me ways that even through limitations that I can help others and live my life the way you want me to. Thank you for making me a survivor!!

-----I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Phillippians 4:13

Monday, December 17, 2007


One of my all time favorite hymns is Amazing Grace. This song has touched the hearts of millions of people, been song in millions of churches and recorded in many different versions of the song, but the meaning is still the same. We are all saved by the grace of God!

Amazing Grace was written by John Newton, a slave trader, who had lost his soul in the search for power, money, and pleasure. When, out of the blue, grace came into his life, he changed completely and was moved to write, "I once was lost but now am found; was blind but now I see." Before his moment of grace, he could not see the truth of love, compassion, and kindness. But after he found his soul, he saw the light! And it was truly an AMAZING GRACE!!

Let us remember during this holiday season as we are out shopping and finding the perfect gift, that we have truly received the perfect gift - the gift of salvation and grace from God!

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God." Ephesians 2:8

Sunday, December 16, 2007


On the table side by side
The Holy Bible and the TV Guide
One is well worn but cherished with pride,
Not the Bible but the TV Guide.
One is used daily to help folks decide,
No! It isn't the Bible, it's the TV Guide.
As pages are turned, what shall they see?
Oh, what does it matter, turn on the TV.
So, they open the book in which they confide --
No, not the Bible, it's the TV Guide.
The Word of God is seldom read,
Maybe a verse as they fall into bed,
Exhausted and sleepy and tired as can be,
Not from reading the Bible, but watching TV.
So, then back to the table, side by side,
Are the Holy Bible and the TV Guide,
No time for prayer, no time for the Word;
The plan for salvation is seldom heard.
Forgiveness of sin so full and free
Is found in the Bible, no on TV!!


As I was reading this poem, I had to admit to myself that I have not always been as great at reading my Bible as I should have been. My intentions were always good but I didn't always carry through with them. I try to live my life according to the Word, but I didn't always take the time to read it. I made many attempts to start reading the entire Bible but have just never completed it.

The more I do these devotions, the more God speaks to me. There are many days where I just don't know what to say or what verses to use. But I truly believe that God has lead me to write these devotions. I pray and ask for His direction and words, and it never fails that He leads me to just the right passages and gives me the words to say.

I hope that these devotions are inspiring you to read God's Word more and devote time each time to prayer and devotion. I know that by following His directions, I truly am becoming closer to Him and I thank Him for that everyday!

"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3

Saturday, December 15, 2007


Here we go again! For those of you who are Mountaineer football fans, you know what I mean. Coach Rod is again being courted by another university to be their coach. He spoke with the University of Michigan yesterday about their coaching position. It was only a year ago that Mountaineer fans went through the stress of wondering if our beloved coach was going to leave us. He was courted by Alabama and actually offered the coaching position but turned it down. He signed another contract with WVU and has said only just a few days ago that he would not leave WVU. It came as a shock to hear that he was speaking to Michigan. How could he do this to us again???

But it made me start to think about how Coach Rod, no matter how great a coach he is, is only human. Unfortunately, money and prestige talk! And coaches come and go.

Unlike coaches, however, God is ALWAYS there. He doesn't come and go. It doesn't matter how much money we have or don't have. It doesn't matter what our jobs are or how much prestige we have. God is ALWAYS there! If we lose our jobs tomorrow, He will still be there for us. If we get a better job tomorrow, He will be there. If we get a bigger house, He will be there just like He is if we have don't have a house at all! God is in our hearts, not in our wallets or homes or anywhere else - He is in us. It just doesn't matter to God what we do or what we have in life. All that matters to Him is that what we do, we do for His glory. Others should see Him in all that we do and all that we say.

Remember that people come and go in our lives, our surroundings change, our finances change - but God NEVER changes. He is always there for you!! You never have to fear that He will leave you!

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you: He will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Good morning. I am God. Today I will be handling all of your problems. Please remember that I do not need your help. If the devil happens to deliver a situation that you cannot handle, DO NOT attempt to resolve it. Kindly put it in the SFJTD (something for Jesus to do) box. It will be addressed in MY time, not yours. Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold on to it, or attempt to remove it. Holding on, or removal, will delay the resolution of your problem. If it is a situation that you think you are capable of handling, please consult me in prayer to be sure that it is the proper resolution. Because I do not sleep, nor do I slumber, there is no need for you to lose any sleep. Rest my child. If you need to contact me, I am only a prayer away.

This has truly been an emotionally draining week. I attempted to do the right thing and tried to help someone who had called me and asked for help this past weekend and things have just not worked out well, to say the least. The devil had his hand all over the situation and still does. And now people I truly care about are affected by the situation, as am I.

When I read the above "letter from God", it really spoke to me regarding this past week. The devil certainly has been in this situation and we have prayed and prayed over it. While I have lost sleep and felt fearful, at the same time I know that God has had his protective armor around me and others. Otherwise, we would not have made it throught this week.

Thank you, God, for your protection. Thank you for giving us friends who pray with us and for us. Thank you for never slumbering so that we can!! Thank you, Lord, for always only being a prayer away!!

"I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety." Psalm 4:*

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


You will have to excuse me if I ramble a little bit today. It has been a long few days and I am really tired. A lot has been going on at the thrift store I volunteer at and it has been an emotionally draining few days. And once again, it looks like things are going to change in my life again as far as volunteering there. But as my dear friend said today, life is full of change and nothing ever stays the same.

But why can't it? Why does it seem just when I seem to be getting a new start and things are settling down, things change again???

But I guess change does not have to be bad - just different! It certainly wasn't bad when I changed where I lived and moved to Morgantown. In fact, it has been great. I love it here and feel like this is home. And the things that are important in my life haven't, and won't, change. My relationship with my precious daughter, my friendships - old and new, and most importantly, my relationship with God. I guess that really isn't true - those relationships all keep getting stronger and I am so truly blessed.

Jobs may come and go, where I live may change, the car I drive may change, but the truly important things in life won't change, and I thank God for that and for the people who help me realize that!!

"Do not store up for yourselve treasures n eart, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destory, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Matthew 6:19-21

Sunday, December 9, 2007


Today's sermon at church really spoke to me. It was about waiting on the Lord - something I am not very good at sometimes! Patience is definitely not one of my virtues, unfortunately! I want what I want now! Right now I am dealing with really wanting to buy a house again - I don't want a big house, nothing fancy, just something that is my own again. I miss that. But the reality is I just can't afford it right now. I could make the payments but I need to pay off everything else first. And, let's face it, I probably couldn't get a loan due to the fact that I don't have a job - just disability! But does that stop me from looking in the papers every Sunday at the houses for sale or looking at For Sale signs when I drive by houses?? Absolutely not!

The truth is that one day I will probably be able to buy another house - but in God's timing, not mine! If I do it in my timing, I know that it won't work out! And that is the way it is with so many aspects of my life. Things just work out better when I wait on the Lord and do what He wants me to do when He wants me to do them!

And waiting is not so bad. Good things can happen when we wait. Even though it might not appear so on the outside, I am certainly learning to trust God more and more every day for all my needs! And that is such a wonderful feeling to know that He is there for me and will meet all my needs - if I just wait on Him!

---My soul, wait in silence for God only, for my hope is from Him.
Psalm 62:5

Saturday, December 8, 2007


Yesterday was a tough day for several people I know. My best friend's daughter had a tonsil abscess and had to have surgery to remove the tonsils. This was after spending all night the night before in the emergency room and being sent home, only to have to go back yesterday morning. Her youngest daughter also had to go to the doctor yesterday and was diagnosed with pneumonia and is on seven medications. On top of that, her mother has been sick for several weeks and just can't seem to get well. My poor friend is being stretched in so many directions and she is just exhausted. And I am 10 hours away and feel I am absolutely no help!

My daughter's best friend and roommate's grandmother fell and broke her foot and is in the hospital. Then she finds out her brother has a staph infection and is in the hospital! Both are several hours away from her - in different towns. She feels so helpless because she can't go to see them because she is having car problems. I offered her my car but she isn't sure what she is going to do.

I feel so bad that I can't help two people who I truly care about and are in such need. But even though I can't be of much help, I know Jesus can. In Mark 5:25-34, it speaks of a woman who had been ill for 12 years. No doctors were able to make her well. Then she heard about Jesus and believed that if she could get to him and just touch him, she would be healed. When Jesus asked who touched his clothes and she told him her story, he responded in a comforting voice, "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering." (Mark 5:34).

Jesus is just as interested in your needs as he was interested in this woman's need many years ago. It does not matter how big or small your need is - Jesus is there for you. Whatever your need is, Jesus will meet it. All you need to do is ask.

Verse for the Day: Mark 5:25-34

Thursday, December 6, 2007


I got up one morning and rushed right into the day
I had so much to accomplish that I didn't take time to pray.
Problems just tumbling about me, and heavier came each task.
"Why doesn't God help me," I wondered. He answered, "You didn't ask."

I wanted to see joy and beauty but the day tolled on, grey and bleak.
I wondered why God didn't show me. He said, "But you didn't seek."
I tried to come into God's presence; I used all my keys at the lock.
God gently and lovingly chided, "My child, you didn't knock."

I woke up early this morning and paused before entering the day.
I had so much to accomplish that I had to take time to pray.
---- Author Unknown

I don't know about you, but there are days that I just crawl out of bed without giving God a second thought. I don't thank Him for another day, for getting me through the night, or ask his blessings on the new day. And I have to admit on the days that I do neglect to pray to God, my days certainly don't go quite as well! The burdens seem heavier, the tasks greater, the direction harder to find.

Let's all try to remember to start our day with prayers of praise and thanksgiving and direction. Our days will certainly be blessed!

"My soul yearns for you in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for you. When your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the earth learn righteousness." Isaiah 26:9

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Martha, a 26-year-old woman with ALS needed help. When a group of women heard about her, they jumped into action. They began to give round-the-clock nursing care. They bathed her, fed her, prayed for her, and witnessed to her. Martha, who had not receivd Christ as her Savior and couldn't understand how a loving God could let her get ALS, saw his love in these women and eventually became a Christian. She is with the Lord today because 16 women, following Jesus' example, personified God's love.

I am blessed that I do know the Lord. Sometimes I wonder why I have the disease I have but I do know that God has a reason and that one day I will be healthy again - maybe not on this earth but certainly in heaven.

I try to give to others whenever I can. The problem I have is accepting help. I have a friend whose Sunday School class is trying to help me during the holiday season. While I am so grateful, it is so hard for me to admit I need help - either physically or financially. But I think we are supposed to give help whenever possible and receive it when given. God has placed these people who want to help us in our lives and if we deny the help then we deny giving them the chance to fulfill God's grace.

Jesus is no longer with us in His physical body - He now sits at God's right hand in heaven. So, if God's love is to be embodied today it must be done through Christians. Is it being done through you?

"I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you."
John 13:15

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Just for today -

Mend a quarrel, search out a forgotten friend. Dismiss suspicion and replace it with trust. Write a love letter. Share some treasure. Give a soft answer. Encourage others. Manifest your loyalty in a word or deed.

Keep a promise. Find the time. Forego a grudge. Forgive an enemy. Listen. Apologize if you were wrong. Try to understand. Examine your demand on others. Think first of someone else. Appreciate. Be kind. Be gentle. Laugh a little more.

Express your gratitude. Worship God. Gladden the heart of a child. Take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of God's good earth. Speak your love. Speak it again. Speak it still again. Speak it still once again.

--- Author Unknown

Sunday, December 2, 2007


Yesterday was an emotional day for those of us who are West Virginia Mountaineer fans. It had been a much anticipated day - the annual Backyard Brawl - West Virginia Mountaineers versus Pittsburgh Panthers. It was the 100th edition of the game but there was even more at stake. If West Virginia won, they would head to the National Championship Game in New Orleans on January 7th! And there was no doubt in anyone's mind, at least not in any Mountaineer's mind, that they would win!

All week the anticipation had been building, along with the traffic here in Morgantown! Fans were wearing their teams gold and blue, at a restaurant I ate dinner at Friday night the family chant of Let's Go Mountaineers rang out in the restaurant, hotel reservations were already being made for New Orleans, tailgaiting plans were being made, spirits were high!

Then the inevitable happened! We lost! 60,000 fans sat in stunned silence in the stadium while those of who weren't able to go to the game sat in their living rooms in stunned disbelief! What had happened to our beloved Mountaineers??

It made me start thinking how much our Christian lives should be like this game. We Mountaineers love to share our school spirit and we certainly cheer on our teams, but we should also be lifting each other up now that we are down! As Christians, we should share our faith with everyone, cheer each other on in our walk with the Lord and lift each other up when we are down.

Christ is always there for us! He is there for us whether things are good or bad and He never lets us down! He is always there to lift us up!

"Be strong and of good courage, do not fear or be in dread of them: for it is the Lord your God who goes with you; He will not fail you or forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6

Saturday, December 1, 2007


I am sitting here today trying to figure out my Christmas list. It has to be so limited this year and I feel so guilty. I just can't do what I have done in the past even though I want to.

Then I started thinking about how truly blessed my daughter and I are. We may not have lots of money or a big house, but what we do have is priceless. We have each other and more importantly, we have the love of God. There is no other gift that can come close to that!

When making out your list for the holidays this year, make sure you have the Lord at the top! He is the greatest gift you can give anyone! Share your love for Him with your family and friends and anyone you meet! You will be giving them a great gift and receive a great gift in return!

"A little that a righteous man has is better than the riches of many wicked."
Psalms 37:16

Thursday, November 29, 2007


It has been a long day - started out with a doctor's appointment which didn't go as well as I had hoped. I had to go back up on my steroids and my breathing test was not as good as it has been. Kind of discouraging but hopefully things will improve.

And just when I want to complain, I realize how much worse things can be. There was a patient outside of my doctor's office who coded and I am not sure of the outcome. I immediately prayed for him and pray he is doing okay tonight.

I remind myself that no matter how bad things may seem that Jesus is always with me and I will never walk alone. Please listen to the song on this page and watch the video. It is so true - we are never alone!! (*If I have changed the song, it is Point of Grace - You Will Never Walk Alone)

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Happiness is like a butterfly;
The more you pursue it,
The more it eludes you.

But when you turn your attention to other things, it comes,
And sits gently on your shoulder.

Nathaneal Hawthorne

As I go about my day, I will let happiness land where it will, in its own time and place.

But let all who take refuge in you rejoice;
let them ever sing for joy. Spread your
protection over them, so that those who
love your name may exalt in you.
Psalm 5:11

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


One of God's greatest gifts are friends - both old and new. I have been so blessed with friends. Today made me realize it even more. I received an out of the blue email from a fairly new friend here in Morgantown who I haven't talked to in a while who just wondered how I was doing and if she could do anything for me. And of course I always have my best friend to lean on through good times and bad, no matter how far apart we are. Don't know what I would do without her! And there are so many others God has placed in my life. I am so grateful!

Dear God, I want to thank You for putting these people in my life. They are such gifts from Your hand to my heart. Bless them today!

Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13

Monday, November 26, 2007


Every morning I get on the computer and check the balance in my checking acccount. This has become a habit over the last few years and I get very insecure if I am unable to check my balance every day. I watch every penny I spend and want to make sure that I do not have anything bounce in my account.

It is too bad that I am not as diligent about my spiritual balance sheet. I sometimes forget that God has made an immense deposit of grace, strength, wisdom and courage in my heart, and that He will constantly replenish depleted resources. There are no limits and no "bounced checks" with God's love.

Lord, I thank You for your neverending love and grace. I thank You for always knowing what I need and providing for those needs. I thank you for your neverending deposits in my spiritual account! I pray that I will use those gifts You give me for your good works.

God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always
having sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.
1 Corinthians 9:8

Sunday, November 25, 2007


Sometimes I get discouraged. I know we all do. But sometimes I just wonder why my life has turned out like it has - why my health is so poor, why I am so financially strapped all the time even though I try so hard to be a good steward of the money I do have, why I feel so all alone. I often joke that I know that God has a reason for everything but that will be the first question I ask Him when I do see Him face to face - WHY????

But then I realize that no matter what happens, He is beside me every step of the way. He is always there for me to give the strength and courage I need to face each day. He is there to comfort me when I am afraid. He is there to encourage me when I feel overwhelmed. He is there to give me insight and inspiration to confront the problems I face. All I need to do is to trust in the Lord and turn everything over to Him and relinquish my imaginary control!

I thank you, Lord, for all You do in my life - the precious daughter You have given me, for the strength and courage You give me, the friends I have in my life that mean so much, the comfort You give me. I ask your forgiveness for those times that I do lose my trust and get discouraged. I do trust in You!!

I will love You, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust. Psalm 18:1-2